Originally Posted by fjzh
eco21268, how old was she when she outgrew it? Tell me it was by 7.5, haha smile Did her counseling address these specific fears or was it covering more the anxiety? My daughter is totally open to the idea of therapy, but it sort of feels like overkill for this, but then again if it could help...
I can't actually remember! I think the phobic behaviors are kind of typical for younger kids with generalized anxiety--a concrete way of expressing it, you know?

She is almost 12, now, and is still pretty anxiety-driven. I can't think of a single specific fear right off the bat, though I bet there are some.

I used this CD with my DS who had really bad phobias, and it really seemed to help.


His fears were more abstract, though, and manifested in perseverative behavior at bedtime (which is when we used the CD).

I think you can do your own CBT type interventions at home, but if your DD is open to counseling and it's affordable, some kids really love it. It helps them to have some language to label their feelings and some directly taught coping skills.

I don't think it's over the top, if it's affecting anyone's QOL at home.

(full disclosure: I am a therapist)