Hi Polarbear & blackcat:

I'm sorry if it wasn't clear. The district says they use MAP and CogAT as entrance criteria. However, if you try to point out how these may not give the full picture, they then claim that they "look at all data points".

I was asking the director of GATE questions trying to understand why DS did not get into the GATE program. During this conversation, she brought up the oral reading scores as justification for why he didn't get in (as in, look at how low he scored on these other tests). After I pointed out the issue, she just told me "he's close, maybe next year"

My DS's
Cogat at 97% age / 84% local (he left many questions blank)
MAP Reading: 94% national / 86% local
MAP Math: 97% national / 92% local

His WISC-V he has a 133 FSIQ with an even profile. However, this was done privately so they refuse to consider it.

While his local percentiles are lower, 18% of students in the district get into either the self-contained or pull-out GATE programs!