Been there... and sort of still doing that. DS17 is a junior in H.S. and this could have been him in junior high.

I'd say have a conference with her counselor before making any hard and fast decisions. While she could be just bored three might be other things going on. I thought my son's was only bored, and pushed for the honors science placement in H.S. He was recommended for everything else. He has a science teacher like your DD's English one, homework grades were based on completion and terrible although he had a 99% grade on tests. But when DS was put in all honors in 9th grade he ended up having to pull out of honors English, and crashed and burned by the end of the year because of the homework load and stress. We ended up doing a full battery of neurosurgery testing that summer which has helped us understand him. He now has a 504, we have focused on keeping his anxiety down. He takes only honors in math & science and not English & Social Studies. I also find that DS gets better grades at advanced classes because homework is a smaller percentage of the grade.