Welcome to the rollercoaster ride, I am new here too. We just got similar results on our 7 year old, 2nd grade boy.. I took the test results to the school administrator, who offered us two choices...
skip to third, or enrich in 2nd..
we opted for the 2nd option for two reasons, he is only 7 and the school has much older kids in 3rd..also we are moving soon and will be able to put him in a program designed for highly gifted kids....

The school was much more supportive once we had test scores in hand...
The best advice I have a gotten so far is to relax, they are still the same kid as they were before the tests, you just know more....
Information is all good, even if you don't fully understand it...we did a lot of on-line research...and you are right you only have a piece of the puzzle...It took me a month to get any sleep!
And then we started testing our second child....