We are new, so here is the super quick story. We have an 8 year-old daughter, O, who has always caused us to scratch are heads and wonder if she was advanced. She is at the age cutoff for school, we have her in 2nd grade, but she could be in 3rd. She has never had to work at anything, is reading better than me, and has a memory like an elephant.

We did some homework and finally decided to test her. She scored 133 on the SB-5, topping out on verbal working memory. Our tester said he has never had anyone score that high in that category. She scored 144 on the WISC, with a 148 on verbal comprehension. Although we have info on the WISC, the SB-5 seems to be newer, our school psych is not that familiar with it. She has not seen the scores yet.

We ae going to present this info to the school administration on Monday and discuss grade advancement, which I think they will be reluctant to do.

My wife has barely slept in 2 weeks. The principal, although she does not know our specific scores, says there are many kids in our school who are gifted and she may be as amateur as us in interpreting these results. We strongly believe that these test results are only one part of the equation, but if someone is very familiar with interpreting these scores, we would love to hear your comments.