I think we've got a problem in hand - DYS DS7 doesn't like to read. He doesn't like to read instructions when working on math problems. He tends to ask me to read the question to him but I usually let him do it himself. When we go to the museum, we ask him to read the information on the exhibit, he does not want to read it. He would wondering around until we ask him come back and finish reading. He doesn't pick up a book and just start reading unless we ask him to do so. I asked him why he doesn't like to read. He said that reading is boring, even on the subjects that really interest him. He's rather find a video to watch and learn than read about it on a book.

This is the kid who was obsessed with alphabets, learning the longest word in the English dictionary, learn numbers in different languages and having so much fun playing word puzzles and games. He's at 99% on VCI on the WISC-V test. But he doesn't like to read! He doesn't have trouble skipping words or lines and reads fluently out loud. I am just puzzled.

He's tested >99.9% on VSI on the WISC. Does it have anything to do with him not interested in reading text? What can we do to help increase his interest in reading?

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.