DD is only 3.5, but we are noticing one oddity - although we don't really practice writing, I noticed that she is writing her name upside down. If you turn the paper 180 degrees, it is correct in all details of the letters (so she writes right to left upside down and gets the letter orientations correct for upside down). And she asked to spell her brother's name, so I wrote it down for her... and she did the same thing - all details perfect - but upside down. When I see her practice random letters and numbers (I think they have been doing some tracing at her school), it is all upside down... I am not too concerned right now, but wondering if others have seen it and if kids outgrow it.

I have not said anything to DD at all other than how nice her name looks, I just let her do whatever she wants on paper (I just wish she would stop trying to write her name - upside down - on everything from pillows to tables, so I am more focused on that than what or how she is writing).