I am hoping to get some advice/experience from some of you who may be in similar situations.

I have had an idea that ADHD might be a possibility with DS7 for years now, but I have been sidetracked by hypersensitivities, gifted quirks, and I suppose on reflection, the stigma society places on ADHD and related treatments. We have met with various opinions from professionals over the years from, oh yes, he will have to be medicated at some stage, to he is just a very gifted little boy with a very active mind and body.

Anyway, we are now with a psychologist I really trust and on a waiting list for a paediatrician who is supposed to be very good. The psychologists' opinion is that he likely has ADHD combined type and will likely benefit from medication. While my gut reaction when he was 4 and there was talk of the possibility of medication in the future was one of distaste, over the last 3 years, I have seen him struggle with impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inability to sustain attention. I have seen it impact on him socially, academically, and also it affects our family. Part of me is counting down the days (3.5 months) until we can see the paediatrician and try out some medication. I see worlds of room for improvement. So my first question, in what specific areas did you see improvement with medication? Were there any things that you hoped to see improve that did not?

I am impatient for the appointment with the paediatrician, but I also think it will be good timing as his teacher will have had him for half the year, so she will know him well, and then he will have half the year left with her to note any changes if we do end up trying medication.

I am sure there have been lots of posts on people's experiences with medication, and I have tried some searches and found a few threads, but please link any threads here if you think there is a previous discussion or post I might find beneficial to read.

Also what age did you first suspect ADHD? What age did you actually get a diagnosis, and what age did you first try medication?

Last edited by Dubsyd; 03/15/16 07:43 PM. Reason: grammar