Everyone here is doing hunky dory.
DD13 is finishing up 8th Grade and getting ready for high school. How did that happen. She has a 3.67 Cumulative GPA and loves French. She is having to work this year in math, high school level Algebra I. She loves English and just finished reading Romeo and Juliet. Science always just happens in the background and she always gets great grades. She could do without her government class. Going into high school means that she is considering boarding ballet conservatories. She has decided to stick around for at least 9th grade and do her research for 10th.

DD10 is finishing up elementary school. She was lable 2E a year ago and invited to the Gifted Program as well as starting in the special education program with an IEP. She met all her IEP goals with and is now only receiving help regarding organization with her time, stuff, and thoughts. She is hoping to attend her sister's school in the fall for 6th grade, but we were concerned about acceptance due to admissions test. She was all over the globe for IQ...99th - 9th percentile range. Well she shocked us all when she scored a few points higher on her entrance exam (OLSAT) with a 132 actually qualifying her to be considered for a scholarship! She is playing softball and swimming..