Now after the 2nd marking period so over halfway through DD's third academic year post single grade skip (sixth grade). Relative to her class peers, DD has done well, making the Principal's list both marking periods.

Hit some rocky patches but she is back to being OK with school at the moment. The slow pace of a tiny rural public middle school chafes her but the staff there are very supportive. The librarian there and my DD are especially close.

Although she could easily cope with the academics, we are glad that DD hasn't skipped more than 1 year. She interacts with seventh and eighth graders at the debating and newspaper clubs in addition to her Maths class and tells me that if she skipped she would not have any close friends - the older girls are civil with her but she can see that they would never be that close (the gulf between pre and post puberty being vast).

Also doing the Davidson Composition class where her average is a B which we are happy with because she is learning new skills and having to do it after B&M school. We have taken a break from AOPS to let her better adjust to middle school and be in the school play, it will resume in about a week and she is looking forward to it.

Have also reached out to other NJ DYS families and hosted a DIG and DW networked around and got DD connected with a local Maths circle. Another girl there and our DD really enjoy one another's company which is gratifying to see.

Beginning to worry about charting a course for DD's Maths as I want her to meet other kids at the high school but really not happy with the glacial pace of B&M school Maths...

Last edited by madeinuk; 03/03/16 04:00 AM.

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