Originally Posted by chris1234
we had a clinical psychologist (phd) evaluate our children for social issues/aspergers and adhd. The evaluations included some intelligence testing since that makes up a major part of one's psyche, I suppose.

what occurred: ...snip...
in the case of the kids' doctor we received very lengthy report about what all of it meant.

Aside from our testing being in network, this is almost exactly our experience. Our DS5 (then 4) was having major problems at his second preschool after being kicked out of the first one. As parents we felt like the problem was more with the school or the placement and not so much with our kid, but really wanted an outside observer to check for problems we might have been obvious to like ADHD or ASD or some other behavior disorder. Because it was checking for something "wrong" insurance covered it, as much as they do anything. Since the question involves a bunch of questions about problems as much as about general iq, there's a decent shot at getting it covered if you ask correctly.