Sure-- but ask yourself this-- don't appropriate standards-based learning and curricular design sound pretty good in theory, too?

Just noting that.

DD lived with "CBE" as a component of her 'assessment' scheme her last 3y with her online public charter school. Basically, the teacher convened with students a few times during the year, and ran down some checklist/rubric. That was it. As far as we could tell, just like with common core standards, it NEVER served as a 'floor' for instruction-- just a ceiling, and gold stars for getting there. There was no "Okay, you know this-- moving on." NO pretesting-- which is an essential component of CBE if it's going to work for high-ability students.

HTH. I was underwhelmed and DD was downright mystified by the process. It felt like... well, I won't say. It's not family friendly.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.