My daughter knew her alphabet and a large number of phonetic sounds by the time she was 18 months. We would talk alphabet with her a little but it was never concentrated effort. I believe she learned a lot of it from Super Why. Not that she was watching hours of it, but she just has a memory that's outstanding. She absorbs everything. She was recognizing words by two something and I officially called her 'reading' by the time she was three. I didn't even believe it at first, I thought she had them memorized, but we'd give her a completely new book and she could read it.. She's five now and can read pretty much anything at all you give her. Content is the harder part. She reads a lot of 3rd grade level books (Ramona, etc) and they're honestly fairly easy for her. She can polish one off in 1-2 hours, but that's about the top of the content level for her. She's a reading maniac and it's been a non-stop ascent. Hard to keep up.

My son is completely different, of course! lol smile

I'd say.. just keep reading to him and if he starts to pick it up on his own, great.. if not, no worries. We just read so much to my daughter, from pretty much the time she was born. Even at a month old she would stare in rapt attention at a book. Sounds insane but she's just always loved books. So, just keep on reading and enjoying and he'll do his thing. smile

Z - 01/23/11 and O - 05/12/13