I think Platypus gives an excellent overview. My only experience comes from watching my identical twin nephews, both very smart and very athletic but with slightly different temperaments, go through an IB program. They are the children of highly driven, highly motivated, highly competitive parents. (So very lucky they didn't end up with the 2E kid - I think their heads would have exploded...) Twin one is very competitive - even as an 8 year old would stomp around infuriated for the rest of the day if his soccer team lost a game. He did well in this program because he was willing to spend any amount of time needed on schoolwork in order to be "better" than everyone else. A nice kid but very intense and not really able to enjoy his teen years. Twin two is more laid back. Still smart but much less intense. Rather than getting caught up in his brother's intensity over soccer he switched over to running cross country. I think it gave him a bit of alone time away from all the pressure of school and home. He worked hard too but nothing like his brother. He sought out some friendships and outside activities, much to his parents' chagrine.

Twin one got into a better college than twin two but despite scoring 800 on at least one portion of the SAT and being a star soccer player he did not get into any Ivy's or similar. Twin 2 went to a lower ranked college quite far from home. Both were 4 year varsity athletes in college. Ironically both ended up hired by the same company in the same position after graduation. (Total coincidence they claim...)

So it really depends on what your DD is looking for. After watching my nephews I decided that life was too short and teen years too precious to encourage DD to spend them this way, long before all her LD issues were identified. But it's really personal preference and priorities. Now that she has been identified I see how hard she works just trying to keep a level playing field. With AT and hard work your DD could probably do it. But I think the question is whether she would see it as a challenge or cause problems with self esteem. Depends on her personality, temperament and how she views her LD's.

Hopefully someone with actual 2E IB experience will chime in. But yes, congratulations to your DD!