Originally Posted by Loy58
It was really meant as self-deprecating humor about our situation and how we might be being perceived by our school.
That's what I hoped and it's good to hear you say that, as the forums are not read exclusively by those interested in helping meet the unusual needs of gifted kids but also by those who may wish to discredit giftedness.

what the "high performing" school considers advanced curriculum. It just does not seem to be enough.
Unfortunately this is very common. This highlights the difference between the principle of "matching the program to the child" and the common practice of "matching children to a program". The book Re-forming Gifted Education and the related Gifted Education Planners may be of assistance to you.

I'll join the others who've encouraged you to keep up the advocacy, stick with facts, offer suggestions, and not be dissuaded by school personnel taking offense.