Originally Posted by blackcat
I'm just curious if anyone is willing to share if they have had a good experience in public schools with their 2e child in terms of special ed and where you are located? A school where you don't have to push and fight and advocate for the smallest of things? And if so, is it just your school or district or the state overall

Sadly, I think it's really person-by-person. DD went to a very highly rated school in a very highly rated district through 2nd grade. They were a nightmare. They never fully met the requirements in her IEP, and they never "got" her. The principal and school psych were really the ringleaders of awfulness here, and everyone else followed their lead.

I moved to a different district to a school I picked based on my gut feeling which was based on phone "interviews" of the principal and a couple other people. This school turns out to overall be very excellent with my very 2E child. They've given her a lot of help and a lot of ways to thrive.

But you know -- my mother used to work at a different school in this same district and complained constantly about how useless their special ed people at that school were. So I feel this is very much school-specific and based on the people currently at this school. If a new principal came in, or a new sped teacher... all bets would be off.