I wasn't familiar with EXPLORE, but will check it out. We live rurally and are homeschooling (not that well, yet) after her 2nd grade classroom wasn't teaching anything and she fell behind, might not be a good time for the EXPLORE.

I guess I was hoping the numbers weren't hard and fast. I think she's been drastically under challenged, almost neglected and the scores under-represent her abilities. She's getting bored and disillusioned and lazy (at 8!!). I am hoping the involvement with Davidson might help steer her in a better direction. I thought the book she worked on sort of shone through what's been a murky period, and I thought it might help her application but if it's strict numbers then I suppose it won't. I heard something about portfolio... I wasn't sure what it was and thought it meant I could highlight an accomplishment to bolster her scores.

Her lowest scores were 2nd percentile on the WIAT and her high scores on that test were 99th - 99.9th. Maybe that shows she's been underdeveloped and is stagnating. Or maybe a disability that the tester failed to recognize. I will pursue the application and would love any suggestions that might make it work - or to know that it can't work would also be helpful to hear.

Last edited by afoonah; 01/02/16 09:10 PM.