DD 9 is in third grade at a small private school. She is unchallenged academically and her teachers are at a loss as to what to do with her. She is bored to tears and easily works three to four grades ahead. Her WISC scores easily meet Davidsons criteria I just have not filled out the application (I should probably get on that:)). The problem is that in every other way her school is wonderful. She has great friends, nurturing teachers, an elementary robotics league and math team etc.. and I constantly feel torn as to what is more important. She can do a grade skip to fifth next year if we want her to, I just worry the social pressure that comes with fifth grade girls may be to much. We have done several classes (young readers, cryptography) through CTY and she enjoyed those and she works with a retired math professor a few days a week doing advanced math and loves it. She is starting to develop wicked perfectionism and is shutting down when anything is even slightly difficult (this was never a problem before) and there does not seem to be an appropriate environment for her. I would love to homeschool but work full time and cannot. Any suggestions? Just feeling very discouraged!

Last edited by sallymom; 12/27/15 09:23 AM.