Originally Posted by Platypus101
Now, when DS was young, I knew nothing about giftedness, and nothing about dyslexia or reading. If I knew then what I know now, I would have been freaking about about DS's reading.
I was, perhaps, on the other end of the knowledge spectrum about dyslexia and reading. It doesn't necessarily help. DS was 6 at the time when we learned he was HG (similar VCI to your DS, Platypus101). One of our first questions was, "If this score is really indicative of his abilities, then why isn't he reading yet? Something must be up!" I did tons of reading and, while looking for an explanation, stumbled upon stealth dyslexia. Many things seemed to match: the tendency of many dyslexics to make far-reaching connections, a love for building, slow handwriting, trouble with math facts but high reasoning ability, learning to read all at once, lots of word omissions and substitutions when reading aloud... I thought I saw many of the indicators and started to get concerned, but the problem is that many of these indicators at age 6 are also indicative of typical development paths. On the advice of this forum (thank you all!) I adopted a wait-and-see approach.

DS (now 7) is gaining fluency in both writing and math (he doesn't loathe it anymore and is getting faster). It's good to hear from others whose kids who have had similar experiences.