Welcome to the forums, PIK60 smile

I'm not familiar with the WISC-V, but will give you a few things to consider based on the WISC-IV. A dip in processing speed relative to the other WISC subtests can occur for *many* different reasons. In the WISC-IV, the coding and symbol search subtests are both timed (I'm sure they are on the WISC-V too), so it's entirely possible that the only reason they appear so discrepant is that a child chooses to answer purposefully, is concerned about being correct, and/or writes slowly. On the other extreme a child might have a limitation of some type that prevents them from answering quickly. Two of my kids had large discrepancies in processing speed - one had low coding and higher symbol search - and he has fine motor dysgraphia. The other had an ok-score on coding but tanked the symbol search (scored *less* than 1/2 of a percent). That's how we found out she had vision challenges smile

If you can ask the person who administered the test if they had any impressions re why the processing subtests were lower, ask. Did your dd have any achievement testing administered with the ability testing? If so, do the timed subtests show a dip relative to untimed?

I'm also curious why you chose to have private testing rather than letting the school test first? Was there a reason you thought she might do better on the private testing... and if so... is that potentially related to a dip in processing speed?

If you see things that you wonder about elsewhere - in academics or life skills etc that don't seem to match her ability, then I'd take a closer look at the gaps in the WISC scores. If not, I wouldn't worry about it.

Best wishes,
