DD has ADHD and her processing speed score was 94 but GAI was 150. In most kids a 94 wouldn't be a big cause of concern, but it's the gap that seems significant. People in the schools have had a big problem understanding this (that a score can be "average" but still indicate a problem with a gifted student). A lot of kids with ADHD will also have lower working memories, but that wasn't really the case with DD. She did however later on have some other testing done that involved memory and her scores were a lot lower. Not below average but a lot lower than working memory on the WISC.

She seems to do well with repeated information right away, but not repeating things after a delay.

DS had a big gap between PRI And VCI on the WISC that was something like 27 points (PRI being higher) but the neuropsych just kind of wrote it off as VCI being a relative weakness. Honestly, I think that if he was tested again his VCI would be higher now because he had some speech/lang. delays.