Originally Posted by AvoCado
Originally Posted by _Angie_
Good luck! Let me know if you figure it out first! smile

Ha, will do smile So far I'm going it alone but I do wonder if there is power in numbers. I can't quite get with the passive aggressive approach of the ringleader parent, I don't think they're very clear on what they want anyway, and it's all complicated by the fact the principal is leaving (favorite quote: "Gifted children can differentiate for themselves") so I'm just going to wait for the new (and hopefully improved) one before I get too involved

Ewww (the quote). Yeah I don't want to be in charge of anything. But I don't want someone else to screw it up for me, either. wink And as far as I can tell there's no way to avoid the implication someone is speaking for all of us. To hang back and say nothing does feel like settling for someone else's ideas. I wonder if the administration will be like we already did BLAH for you, now you want more!?