I didn't really advocate for my DS in his younger grades. Although I did try and get a good relationship with his teachers. As I had an older child I new how much the school was going to accommodate him and the answer was not much. I looked into private schools and decided to keep him in the public school and wait it out till the districts gifted program kicked in at 4th grade. Which was a BIG jump and supposedly the best the area had to offer for gifted elementary education.

His teachers did realize that he was reading WAY above the other kids. But he wasn't the only one in my school. He was one of 4 out of 60 kids who could read like he did. And all but his 2nd grade teachers did try and be accommodating when they could. It wasn't a grade skip or a different class but his school did form "gifted clusters" for 1st-3rd and did a lot of small group work for reading & math in those grades.

I don't really regret what I did for K-3rd grade. What I do regret was putting DS in the intense gifted program the district had to offer for 4th-6th as it turned out not to be a great fit.