Originally Posted by blackcat
I have dealt with this and my feeling is that you are not going to get anywhere. Even if you somehow get him to cave, he is going to make sure that he is proven right, and look for all the negatives. When he starts crying in school it will be, "See, I told you he was too immature and you wouldn't listen." (rather than trying to help solve the problem) KWIM? We had the option of switching schools and getting into a better environment, which solved our problem, but that's not an option for everyone, so you may have to just make the best of it.

That is what I am afraid of. In the unlikely event i got them to agree every time something went wrong it would be because he is too young. He is a difficult child at times with a low frustration threshold which makes him seem immature but is probably not. It worries me though that he may be near the top of his class all the time as if things come too easily he is likely to stop taking risks.

I will take the advice to see what happens after the summer thanks you are right.

There isn't an explorers club in Nelson or much else really. I am finding inexpensive groups plus sports and I run a science club every couple of weeks for my boys and two friends.

I feel a bit selfish too because part of the reason i would like him to go to year 3 is he would be out of the junior school and the teacher in charge of the middle school {years 3 and 4} is a lot easier to talk to and the idea of dealing with the junior school busywork homework for another year is dreadful.

Thanks for your help.