I would definitely ask which version of the test he took. Either way, he is clearly strong in math. In all likelihood, he took the K-1 test. I can tell you that DS7 took MAP last year in 1st and it was a different test (K-1) than this year's (2-5)...his winter and spring score were extremely high and somewhat higher than his very high score on the fall 2-5 version test. DS thought that the 2-5 test was harder than the K-1 version (my understanding is that there are MORE of the higher level questions on the next level test). Still, your DS probably needs something quite different (no matter what grade-level he is taught at the pace MAY always be a problem) than the average 1st grader. HTH!

Here is a document on the ceiling for different test versions. He may still have some room, but there will be fewer "questions" in the test bank than the nest test level (how it was explained to me): https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1nA_PlvjvwFTi5vMwRxlfmmVUJo63pfwn67ZAMHaV4oU

While "grade level" is one way to look at it, I'd be even more concerned about the fact that you have probably identified that he has a learning difference in math (and possibly other subjects). He will catch on quicker to most of what he is taught, so he needs a different approach. This is unlikely to go away...enjoy the journey. smile