Okay, there is a teacher I know that in the past always had negative comments when I mentioned we were planning on homeschooling our kids - and if we just couldn't do that they would be in private school only, no public school.
She would rant and rave about how silly that was.

WELL - wouldn't you know. She has finally admitted that she will NOT be sending her daughter to public school this year, but is searching for a private school. Mind you, her daughter would have gone to the public school SHE teaches at. She said she does NOT want her daughter in that environment (even though she has NOTHING against public school, blah, blah, blah).

Okay, if the school isn't good enough for YOUR child, why would you make such bad comments when I choose something different for my child.

She has another younger child which she also admitted will NOT be attending public school. I have to say of the public school teachers that I know with school age children, not ONE of the sends their children to public school.

She also doesn't believe in "gifted", but that is another issue.