There is the potential for online stuff, maybe through Redbird or through the state's virtual academy, but just not sure how that would work, and, there wouldn't be much in the way of instruction (she'd be doing it all on her own).

Overall she doesn't *mind* school, but does complain of boredom a good deal.

I wouldn't be able to go personally to teach her, no, unfortunately.

I also worry a bit about this going forward - it's not just math, she's obviously very high on verbal and could be doing all kinds of much higher work, to say nothing of science, social studies, and so on - but the options locally seem to be either she does them on her own online (while possibly still being physically in the classroom), or waiting. I don't think she should wait and frankly based on my own experiences teaching online (albeit to college kids), I'm a bit skeptical of online work as the basis for fundamental learning for DD. I think it's great for extension and enrichment, but for core learning, I'm not sure how well it would suit DD.

Reading over this, it looks like I may be trying to talk myself into relocating. Maybe I am ...?