Hello all,

So I got DD8 was tested with the WISC-IV. Results as follows:

VC 140 (composite)
Scaled Subtests:
S 17
V 18
C 15

PR 123 (composite)
B 14
P 13
M 14

WM 132 (composite)
D 15
L 16

PS 131 (composite)
C 15
S 16

FSIQ 140 (99.6%)

If I have calculated her GAI correctly, it is a 138. If I have done this wrong, someone please tell me!

I don't quite understand the large disparity in Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning; I've read that the GAI is a more reliable indicator of giftedness, but then I look at her processing speed scores, they seem very high, what does that mean?

More context: DD was born in Thailand and lived there till she was 18 months, making a complete switch from Thai to English (as well as all cultural factors) at that time. When she was 18 months old, she knew the alphabet in English and Thai - that's 46 letters in a tonal language. Could that early exposure to two very disparate languages help account for the high processing scores?

Her mother has learned to speak English fairly fluently since we've gotten here, but still speaks mainly in Thai, as well as all the cultural stuff that goes with that. Her mother is also not formally educated past high school, although I'm pretty sure she's smarter than me ... DD does not speak Thai very well, and hasn't learned to read or write it, but the last time we were back there for a month when she was still 6, she was yammering on near-fluently (although not colloquially) by the end of that time.

My point in bringing this up is that DD has had some pretty unique forces at work shaping her intelligence (to the extent that environment is a factor). Maybe this doesn't matter?

Further, we live in a very rural area and in the local school district there is zero, zilch, nada for GT. We are strongly considering relocating to an area that does have such programs, as well as other related resources. She is extremely bored in school, most of the time, as you'd expect, although I think the local teachers have done their best - they just don't know how to handle someone like her.

But, man. Uprooting our whole lives on the basis of a single test? (Although as I say, I've known she's GT her whole life.) I guess I want more information ... I'd like her to be in the DYS program, mainly because I feel like the Family Consulting they offer would be of enormous help to us in making such decisions. But I realize these scores don't hit the minimum qualifications for DYS.

So I've read that some kids when they take the Stanford-Binet end up scoring much higher than on the WISC (we just used the WISC because that was what the school pyschologist we could find to administer it uses - we had to go out of district as the SPED in our district flatly refused to administer one), and that also that test provides a more nuanced picture of a child's intellect.

So my question is, should we seek out further testing? Or is the WISC-IV sufficient? Is it enough to know that she's highly gifted (just probably not profoundly), and seek out a better school district on that basis?