HK, just what I was going to say.

IQ, and the intellectual capacity it represents, is a tiny fraction of what makes a person. We are parenting whole people; a five year old has many other developmental projects, some most of which are more important long-term than intellect.

We don't have "numbers" for any of our children either (although, as you know, I have excellent access to obtaining those numbers from reliable sources). At this age, our attitude has been, if DC wants to plow through half-a-year's math curriculum in a month, then great. Or do nothing but practice cutting circles for a few months--also great. (Both things which actually happened--the latter resulting in numerous oddly-shaped paper people.)

Dr. Montessori and I have differences of opinion about a number of key points, but this is where I do appreciate her maxim: "follow the child."

PS, Also happy never to see another Rainbow Fairy book again, if I can possibly avoid it. wink

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...