Originally Posted by Dittos
His teacher told me, 'he does not give students a pass in any area. If they can't do all the work then they don't get the grade'.
sooooo this apparently is a penmanship and spelling class and not a math class.

So sorry you and your DS has to deal with this teacher. Just reading your post makes me angry. This is exactly the kind of BS (grading on things other than the actual material) that made me disengage in HS.

Making things worse, the teacher seems to think the 504 doesn't apply to him. Review the language of the 504. If necessary, can you have it changed to make the accommodations more specific, i.e.. "points will not be taken off for spelling or penmanship"?

Another thought, since this seems like an uphill battle with this particular teacher, if you pulled DS from the class could he take it next year with another teacher?

Wish I could be more help.