Originally Posted by ultramarina
I say just tell child you aren't going to yell or nag anymore and present them with the tools they need (clocks, watches, kitchen timers, check lists) and maybe practice on Saturday and Sunday...then explain that the child has the ability and tools needed and step back.

I would like to do this but I don't think she's quite there. Her executive functioning weaknesses are coming to the fore this year as middle school starts, though I also understand that many kids struggle with this at first. I didn't check anything or watch anything homework-wise for the first few weeks of school because I hadn't had to do that for a few years in elementary, and it was not a good scene. A big part of me feels frustrated and wants to just say--if you're late, you're late!--but as I watch her, the competencies don't seem to be in place, and she needs a slower ramp-up.

This is so important. "Sink or swim" only works if the swimming skills are fully and reliably in place.