DD11 walks to school now and for this reason, has responsibility for the time she leaves the house. She has a before-school practice 3 mornings out of 5 (semi-optional, but not really) and can be at school at the "regular" time the other 2 days. She usually wakes herself up--that's not the problem--but is very slow with getting dressed, eating breakfast, packing up her stuff, etc. Often I am yelling at her and reminding her of the time over and over. She is a naturally sloooooow mover in the morning. If she wanted to, she could be ready in 1/2 hour tops (all she has to do is get dressed, eat breakfast, which I usually still make, brush teeth and hair, and put computer, phone, and lunch in her bag), but more commonly it's 45 minutes.

I know this is common, but also DD has some exec function weaknesses and ADHD-ish traits, which is why I put this in this section. I also think she could possibly use some tools/apps designed for that population here. So--any help? She has an Android phone. I thought about setting multiple alarms to keep her on track, but not sure about that. One complication is that she not infrequently gets up early to finish homework or study, so mornings are not a completely set routine.

Middle school starts rather late, so mornings are not early here. She COULD get up a bit earlier, except that some days she stays up late and I prefer to let her sleep in a little. Evenings are the time when we tend to be time-stressed, since she has some after school activities some days and a fair bit of HW.