My DD8 in a nutshell: qualifying scores for DYS. She is in a contained gifted 4th grade class (skipped 2nd grade + single subject acceleration for math) with 5th grade math instruction. After school she is enrolled in Art of Problem Solving's Algebra course.
The concern is her frustration with writing - she is the slowest writer in her class which is very frustrating for her. I suspect her brain is working fast and her hands cannot adequately keep up processing it into logical writing. Teachers do not seem worried (but have a class of 31 kids). Homework is frustrating when it includes writing - sometimes takes an hour to produce 3 sentences. She can type well and does much better typing than writing. I would like to explore getting her accommodations in class to lessen the frustration.
She is very motivated - I caught her practicing writing late at night in her bedroom. She said she had been writing for an hour every evening so she could get better. She copies math problems from an old workbook and experiments with different ways to write cursive...
I expressed concern to her teachers and an initial IEP/ 504 meeting was scheduled to see if anything would be done to start the process. The meeting was cancelled and no new date has been set yet.
I don't want to get my hopes up for accommodations but would like to get through the process well prepared to maximize our chances. She was tested in Kindergarten for a requested grade skip - discrepancy of 60 points between reading fluency (166) and writing fluency (106). No further testing was recommended by the psychologist (done at school).
I would love to hear ideas on how to advocate. As of yesterday she had a "work lunch" and "work snack" at school trying to catch up on writing for projects she was behind on. This morning we homeschooled (on fun algebra to get her happy).