My DS12 has been withdrawing from all extra curricular activities and barely wanting to leave the house. He used to be keen to get out and explore and move. He says he has to go to school and do things all day and just doesn't want to HAVE to do anything else.

Is this typical of this age? Has anyone else seen this?

He often uses "I'm tired" as a reason though we've pulled his bedtime in earlier and have kept it there.

It feels like he is also finding ways to resist any direction from us. Perhaps he just feels too "managed". I don't feel like we're demanding a lot from him. Basically come and eat when it's dinner time and pick up your stuff and go to bed at bedtime. It's not a nag fest.

This could be typical early teen behaviour. I remember withdrawing into books about the same age and spending a lot of time in my room.

Any insight?