Originally Posted by howdy
Then to have to come home and do more of the same was the final straw.

I never thought about it that way. I always think he is unwilling to do it.

Originally Posted by polarbear
he's developmentally at a different place with handwriting or fine motor skills than he is with math computation

My gut feeling after reading the previous posts is that you are over-thinking achievement and what it means to be "gifted".

His actual handwriting is actually quite good.

Thanks for the honest opinion. I have a lot of "baggage" myself. I used to be ahead academically when I was younger, so I coasted right along. Then something happened, and I fell behind and felt like the stupidest person on the planet. It took a lot of hard work in college to reverse the damages.

Originally Posted by chay
Could it be the actual writing that is hard or is there a lot of writing at the mathnasium that could rule that out?

All he has to write at mathnasium are numbers

Originally Posted by ConnectingDots
Have you tried telling him he can wait and do it in the morning if he likes? If it's an energy thing (as in, "I cannot do one more worthless thing today"), he might be more able to get it done quickly in the morning before school.

Good idea!