Just curious to hear from people in other districts. Our AIG teacher assignments change so much year to year and I have been trying to figure out why. That's not normal, right?

It seems really ineffective, since there are so many people to get to know and interface with.

Our district has AIG teachers assigned to each school for K-5. They do pull out stuff about once a week with kids in 4th and 5th and a little bit in 3rd. The school we're in has 600 kids total and about a 20% AIG population and we have 1/2 an AIG teacher. That means the AIG teacher, in a 1/2 time assignment (other half is at a school across town) is serving 40-60 kids with pull out enrichment, plus handling identification and testing for others.

I'm also wondering if our AIG teachers have AIG type endorsements.

What's your experience, if you don't mind sharing? Thanks!