Lots of great advice above. An experienced tester was invaluable in our situation. She was able to handle DS's intensity and actually get to the bottom of his occasionally odd answers rather than dismissing them as incorrect. DD might not have mattered as much but I'd rather spend the money and get it right the first time and avoid retesting in a couple years if the scores were way off what our guts are telling us.

Our psych charges $180/hr. For my 2e DS that we've now tested twice it was pretty pricey. For my more straightforward DD that we just tested we expect it to come out to around $800 for the WISC and a report (we haven't got the bill or report yet). I will say that our psych writes very thorough, long reports which obviously takes time. Again, very crucial for our 2e DS but possibly overkill for a more straightforward case. It will be interesting to see how big DD's report is when we get it.

If your DD is covered under someone's extended benefits, check for coverage there. Some benefits require a referral, others don't but it is best to know before you book stuff.