Hello there, new to the board. My DD, 8 (hope I'm using the nomenclature correctly) has for years displayed many gifted characteristics. To this point we've been able to work things out with her classroom teachers in local public school that has zero, nada, zilch for gifted kids to keep from being too bored. Visiting the Stanford/Redbird site on the iPad, for instance, during core math times. However, now that she's in 3rd grade, she's really running into troubles with boredom (I know you're not supposed to use that word, but well, that's what it is) and I feel that we need to get her IQ-tested.

We live in a very rural area and the local school district flatly refused to have one of the school psychologists test her, citing the funding formula and that the psychologists only administer tests in the case of a suspected disability, not giftedness.

Fine, fine, we'll get the test done ourselves. My question is, does it matter who does it? Is the test the test? For example, I've found a psychologist who'd administer the WISC-IV but he doesn't have any particular experience working with gifted kids. I may also be able to convince a neighboring school district (that does have G&T programs) to have one of their school psychs administer an assessment.

On the other end of the spectrum, we're in the Mountain West region and could venture to Denver to have DD tested at Linda Silverman's Gifted Development Center - starting at $180/hr (!).

I've known intuitively and from observation that DD is gifted all her life, but at this point I'd like a firm number (and if it's high enough, consider Davidson). What's your experience been with, well, getting that number?