Hearing about others' experiences is so helpful! I emailed his K teacher and told her about his percentile scores from the testing that was done in our previous district. I offered to give her a copy of the results for his file if that would be helpful. I also told her that after reflecting on our discussion during the conference and talking to DS more about his desires for school, we want to pursue additional accomodations for him in math. I asked if he could be given EOY assessments for K and 1st grade and then we could consider single-subject acceleration to a 1st or 2nd grade classroom for math as deemed appropriate. I was so nervous hitting "send" on this email! It was perfectly friendly and upbeat and only making requests, not demands, but I still worry how it will be received. Anyone else struggle with feeling like you are becoming "that" parent? Anyway, she replied the next day to say that she was going to set up a meeting with the school's AIG specialist to discuss math options for DS. I am hopeful the AIG specialist has dealt with a kid like mine before and will help us get the best fit in math instruction for DS! In the meantime, we are supplementing at home. He comes home excited to do some math practice with me and learn something new. He says he wants to go to 4th grade for math because he "wants it to be hard to do!"