DS5 started K at our local public school 5 weeks ago. We knew it would be difficult for the teacher to challenge him. He had tested into the self-contained gifted classroom at our previous district with 99th percentiles across all categories, but then we had to move. No GT programming here except a pull out for 3rd-5th.

So, I noticed a change in him after about the third day of school. I don't know how else to describe it except to say it was like someone had hit the dimmer switch. My normally bright, radiantly happy and inquisitive boy just seemed not himself. He had been so excited to start school, and now he is just down in the dumps. Of course, I know they are just working on counting objects and letter ID and sounds, which has to be frustrating for him. I have really started to consider homeschooling as the only feasible alternative. But was hoping I could work with the teacher to implement differentiation or maybe single subject acceleration and see if that helps before pulling him out.

Well, the conference didn't lead to that result. She said the Dibels test puts him at 3rd grade level for reading, so she will be focusing on reading comprehension with him instead of just phonics. But then she said he still needed phonics practice for spelling, which I get, but that means he still has to practice "f says ffff" for a week? And she insisted he was assessed as GRADE-LEVEL for math! This is a kid who has been obsessed with numbers since he could talk at age 1....he does multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages, negative numbers....he invents math problems to entertain himself. But she said he skipped 13 and 14 when she asked him to count to 20 (not counting objects, just counting aloud). Doesn't sound like there was much more to the math "assessment." She also commented that he writes many of his numbers backwards, which to me, is a separate issue. She did finally agree to let him do "some above grade-level math worksheets" as an early-finisher activity. She said a lot about how smart he is and how she wants him to advance a full-year's worth academically, even though he is starting at a high level. And that's what I want! But I'm not sure I advocated well-enough or assertively enough for him. Even though she said the right things generally, I am realizing as I reflect on the conference that I'm dissatisfied with the specifics of the plan, and I have no confidence in her ability to understand my son's true abilities (especially if she thinks he can't count to 20).

Argh. I feel overwhelmed. I just don't know how to do this. I have read many posts on this forum and found some good insight and advice, but I am still not sure where to go from here or what to ask for next...more thorough assessment? acceleration? Do I pay for a private psychoed eval? Or do I just give up and supplement at home while we figure out if we can make homsechooling work for us?