My kids both cry from frustration or things they view as unfair. It did improve for our oldest, but our youngest is a work in progress.

He told me a few weeks ago that he was playing kickball at school and felt that the kid who rolled the ball rolled it bouncy instead of smooth on purpose. He got out and he said instead of crying in front of everyone, he went somewhere else to do it.

His gifted math teacher told us she has more than a few criers in their class. He's in good company, at least. But she said the kids just accept it. They don't make fun or look at them differently. They just get it done, sniff it up, and move on.

As for bugs... my son doesn't worry about bug life at all. He freaks out at anything that creeps or crawls or flies with legs. I am the spider slayer in my house. He is very sensitive about death or animal abuse, though. That week between Christmas and New Years with all of the abused animal commercials really upset him.

I try hard to recognize early signs of frustration and strongly encourage a break from what he's doing before we have a melt down.