This is an interesting discussion. I'm glad you didn't start panicking when the dr. started questioning you, CatherineD! That would be so easy to do.

My DD4 would line stuff up obsessively. At exactly 11-12 months she'd build towers of similar blocks 12 or more high. She'd line up shoes and dolls and toys in an ordered way. But she is almost TOO social, if that is possible. She flirts shamelessly and is fixated on older girls at her preschool. It is really alarming after being used to a fairly laid back, go with the flow boy. No one ever suggested autism on her, but her ped has commented on her extreme sensitivity since she was 2 months old and would absolutely flip out when the dr. would come near her. I think her 4 year old appt is the first time she actually would have a conversation with the pediatrician. She also hadn't been sick at all from 3 to 4, so she hadn't had a "bad" appt.

Never any autism questions on DS7. ADD or ADHD was hinted by some really horrible preschool teachers, but neither his K or 1st grade teacher ever saw this in him. He is definitely not ADHD, although he does have plenty of energy and tends to get a little squirrel if he is in a new or an uncomfortable situation. And he was also trying to take on the role of class clown last year in school as an outlet. Could have been worse!