I think the less familiar people are with autism spectrum disorders, the more likely they are to incorrectly ID an HG+ child with them. In the doctor's case--since I hope she's familiar!--I think Jool is right that she's just casting a wide net.

FWIW, I have had people suggest that DS7 might be on the spectrum a time or two (he's not), but each time it was someone who heard about DS7's obsessions and his lining up his toys (which he did a lot around ages 2-3 and got over by around 4-ish) from someone else, secondhand.

No one who has met him ever suggested he had Asperger's Syndrome or any other autism spectrum issue. To hear him described, especially at 2 or 3, you can see why they thought it might be an issue: introvert, obsessed with his own interests, spends lots of time playing alone, lined up his cars and got upset if they were moved, very bright, etc. But he's highly social, very aware of social cues, and always has been. He was an only child at the time, so of course he played alone a lot. And pattern is his thing, so the lining up made perfect sense: ala "Don't mess up my pattern, you creep!"

What does all this mean? Well, I guess I'm glad the ped is asking the question, and I'm glad she realizes it's not the case for your child. smile
