I was using the dry erase for the brainstorming and writing the ideas on slips of paper afterwards to draw out of shoe boxes....but I like you idea best!! Genius...post it notes on poster board rather than random pull out of a box.

I found putting in time teaching them how to come up with stuff to do and basic equipment (hula hoops, jump ropes, mini tramp, craft supplies, books, Legos, composition books) allowed for more independence later.

My younger son was on a poetry kick this summer...supplies needed: pen and composition book

The library has always been good for an hour and you get to bring home tons more entertainment.

And you can always get frustrated like me and say "find something to do from the list (like play uno), take a nap, clean your room or I'll make a list of five chores to keep you busy." They always fine something to do.

Sometimes just cleaning the room leads to playing because now there is room or they find something they haven't seen in a while.