Be careful about the genetic testing. It is interesting to do and gives information about how you may metabolize medications such as painkillers, ADHD medications, SSRIs, etc. It provides info on whether you are likely to metabolize specific medications too quickly (resulting in lower than expected levels) or too slowly (resulting in higher than expected levels). However, there are many more factors than that that determine how an individual may respond to medications. While the out of pocket amount may be relatively low, even without insurance, they will attempt to have the insurance pay a much larger amount and this may affect different people in different ways (depending on coverage). For those with a limited amount of lab work coverage per year, it may consume quite a bit of the coverage.

I actually had this testing because I always respond very strongly to medications and was interested to know the genetics of my liver enzymes for that reason. I am also a science nerd.

However, it is really hard to know how helpful this testing is at this point (I think this sort of testing will become increasingly valuable as more is learned).

I found this article to be a helpful summary. It focuses on one specific company, although others also do similar testing.

Going back to the original post, there can be many effects to increasing the medication. I took Prozac myself many years ago and remember it well (and not fondly). I hope that things settle down soon and that it is just related to adjustment to the higher dose.

Last edited by apm221; 09/10/15 07:10 PM.