Don't know if this is off topic but here goes....

DS12 is ASD with anxiety, self-esteem and perfectionism issues. His behavior was fine for the summer, but has taken a turn for the worse once school started. Many assignments are stressful for him as is the school day.

He is in an accelerated program for exceptionally gifted kids, so the workload is high and he gets a significant amount of homework.

He has been acting out in school quite a bit and yesterday was angry and aggressive for a couple of periods. Overall, his emotions have been going up and down like an elevator in an office building. One moment he is happy, the next he is in tears or defiant. Today the assistant principal will be talking with him.

About two weeks ago, we spoke with his psychiatrist and agreed to up his dose of Prozac from 10mg daily to 20mg. The doctor did not tell us but I did my own research online to find that upping a Prozac dose can actually increase anxiety and depression for 2-4 weeks before it fully kicks in.

Has anyone dealt with a similar issue?