I gave returning to home school for my younger son a good consideration for middle school when I was investigation middle schools and I couldn't find many options. I did find one he was accepted into so I didn't go that way but here were my thoughts:

1. I would find a way to continue his foreign language instruction...tutor or online class or combination of both.

2. I was thinking the lit selections would alternate between my pick and his pick and we would run it like a book club (many books have discussion questions online to get the conversation started). More points if big brother and dad read book too.

3. Math would be (free) state online class because he truly could do it in half the amount of time and part of what is so boring for him is the pace of classes.

4. 6th grade world history would have been tons of fun for us to study together and participating in history fair project.

5. Science would have given him a lot of choice here...if he wanted to take 6th grade science online from the state school at a fast pace, advanced learners can start the next class they take after sixth grade class as a physical science high school class. Or he could just pick science topics to explore for 4 weeks and make a plan and direct his own learning (with helpful links from me and books from the library)

6. Writing was going to be a writing workshop at beginning of week with various small and longer assignments (plus I was going to look at Writing Strands curriculum)

7. Elective I wanted to take one of his passions (mythology) and have him study it in depth and take the national mythology exam. After that was over another passion of his is cooking so maybe a cooking class. (And maybe that could have alternated each day rather than by semesters as long as he was ready for the exam)

8. And finally I wanted him everyday to have one hour to work (not play) on what he wanted to work on...and keep a notebook on his work. Projects, research, reading, things for scouts, etc. I think at Google they call it the genius hour.

And 1-7 might not have been daily and I think having him plan on Sunday what he wanted to accomplish in each area for the week would have been the key.

He reads all the time so plenty of time for that and plenty of time at the library.
Add two sports and he has PE.
And add various field trips to the theater with the homeschool group and park days with the homeschool group...and random other things that come up....voila I had it all figured out....for the first two months...not sure if we could have kept all that up long term.