so DD5 is in kindergarten and I thought she was loving it. She has excelled in LA so far as expected and is lagging a bit in math (unexpected).

The teacher is about 80% of the way to getting her so I'm delighted there. She has been fast tracked for reading and been given independent interest based projects to do - all good.

However the last month or so DD has woken up complaining about wanting to go to school. Complaints are that it is too hard, too long, that getting ready takes too much time away from doing her stuff in the morning and she misses me (hardly) etc etc. No mention of the dreaded B word though.

She seems happy on arrival at school and is fine once home (although quite hyperactive) so I don't think anything is serious yet but.... I'm wondering if anyone can save me a few months of trial and error and let me know if they have heard all this before.

I'm inclined to believe my NT parent friends who all say that its a stage every kid goes through when they realise school is permament, but I know DD can spiral.

So should I let it go or start investigating? BTW socially everything is fine according to dd and her teacher.