I hope this is okay to start. My 11yo is outgrowing the children's section, but both of us are finding the YA section somewhat uninspiring (she is not interested in vampires, dystopia, or romance). I am transitioning her to tween-appropriate adult fiction, but this is something that requires some thought. Here is my list so far. If the book contains sexual themes, extreme violence, etc, do note it. Note--I don't intend this to really include books written specifically for the YA market, but of course some of these do land in YA sections today.

--Little Women (and sequels)
--Jane Eyre
--Wuthering Heights (I hate this book, but teens often like it!)
--Pride and Prejudice, etc (subtle--may be better for an older tween)
--To Kill a Mockingbird (rape themes)
--Fahrenheit 451 and other Ray Bradbury
--Terry Pratchett
--Douglas Adams (occasional sexual jokes)