Have any of you had difficulty with having a child assessed for school gifted programming?

My son is 2e and has difficulties with certain aspects of testing (for example, he sometimes refuses to do things due to lack of confidence and has difficulty with writing due to fine motor issues).

Despite being among the top kids in his class after a grade skip, he was not referred for testing for the gifted program. I referred him myself, but think his difficulties will interfere with a fair assessment. For example, he refused to do the writing part of his educational assessment for his IEP because he is used to having writing assistance and no one explained to him why he couldn't type or have assistance, so they scored him as being unable to answer (making him look like he is academically behind if you read the assessment report). Additionally, his social delays interfere with his ability to show skills on the checklist like leadership. At the same time, he reached fifth grade math as a grade skipped second grader for his school evaluation while doing all of the work in his head (he taught himself to multiply and really impressed the evaluator).

I think they are stalling because I requested evaluation last year and they are now saying I will find out next summer whether he is accepted. My daughter was tested and accepted within a few weeks, but she fits the stereotype more (well-behaved, cooperative, social).

Has anyone dealt with issues like this?

Last edited by apm221; 08/22/15 06:14 AM.